Strung out girls, a solo project making music on the keys of a Mac in desolate Ohio, is the conglomerate of characters created from imagination where they work together in mysterious ways, spirit led to let be what will be. With the arrival of their newest EP "24/7 Sylvia Plath", they're set to crash-land into ethereal realms of the underground where anything goes.

Recommended for listeners of: Salem, Drain Gang, Erros Demarko
Strung out girls is an experimental odyssey from the mind of Midge Kelly. It's like an oil spill on the road that shines all iridescent; grungey and beautiful, a nice duality for the senses to eat up. With well over 20 EPs released this year alone, their discography runs deep. Delay-ridden vocals, lush synths, and an array of beat choices, all help shape an atmosphere that's easy to get lost in.
Check out the visuals for their 10-min track "As Above So Below" and you'll get a glimpse into their world. With song titles like "Why Do I Need the World to Know My Pain" and "Stars Once Were Beautiful" it's clear strung out girls is an artist that's using music to transmute their emotions, where songs stand as a soundtrack to their personal experience.
Their latest project, "24/7 Sylvia Plath" is the next chapter in Strung Out Girl's personal journey. With elements of the esoteric and self-reflection, this EP is another voyage into the psyche of the artist behind the music.
We had the opportunity to catch up with Strung Out Girls, here's what they had to say.

Q: How long have you been making music? Influences?
A: Probably about 3 years ago or so...Lana del Rey, Lizzy Grant, Kings of Leon, and Beach House. Also as far as authors and creators go, Sylvia Plath, Aldous Huxley, and many times the people around me.
Q: How did you create your newest project, “24/7 Sylvia Plath”? - producer, where was it recorded, any other stories?
A: "24/7 Sylvia Plath" was created fully on my back porch in Ohio. The immediate answer is that I do everything myself from writing, producing, and recording to mixing and mastering. Although, I feel that a daemon works through me as my work only gets released when I get out of the way and let the world move.
This was a gloomy time, reading lots of Sylvia Plath and listening to Lana del Rey. With a mundane hopelessness surrounding me and my distance from the world growing ever further, I am very much lonely and not getting out.
Q: Do you have any future releases or upcoming shows/events?
A: I have yet to have promo or do shows for strung out girls. I am very much a struggling artist. I hope this will be the beginning :) thanx u and much love - strung out girls FAILURE

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